Vogue a “curăţat” platoul iUmor. Cheloo: “Sunteţi nişte babe încântătoare”

Worn Stories | Official Teaser | Netflix

Becoming Halston | Ewan McGregor’s Transformation | Netflix

Legendary | Opening Credits | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Spin, Dip) | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Posing) | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Shade, Reading | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Catwalk, Duckwalk) | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Legend vs. Icon | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Ball, House, Slay, Shawam, Ovah | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Old Way vs. New Way | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Floor Performance) | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Serve, Snatch, Chop. | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Popping) | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Hands/Arms Performance) | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Werk, 007 | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Chant | HBO Max

Legendary | Vogue-Cabulary: Bring, Feel, Pay, Turn | HBO Max

Legendary | Werk It: Elements of Vogue (Stretch/Flexibility) | HBO Max

Legendary | House of Balmain Slays in Circus Berzerkus | HBO Max